Sunday, February 12, 2006

What do I think of Prchanda's interview with BBB reporter Charles Haviland (link)? I am asking myself. Couple of days ago when I read their (with Baburam Bhattarai on his side) interview, I wrote they were sincerely coming forward for peace this time. I say the same thing this time again.

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people talk about Maoist atrocities. Even some of the most apolitical person you can imagine, when given ,an ear, starts to talk like he (my use of 'he' is intentional here, because predominantly these kind of smart alecks are male) is an expert in this matter. He knows everything from Nepalese class and caste structures, underlying background of the Maoist insurgency, everything about Nepalese political leaders, democracy, constitution, and every other thing that is remotely somehow connected with this. He talks about the need for Maoists to stop everything and come for peaceful protest. Wow!!! At those moments I sometime feel I donot know anything. For sometime I have trying to untangle to web of global interrelationships because I believe that we cannot decide by ourselves about what kind of political structure we want to have in Nepal. Or may be, I shouldn't say 'we cannot' because we have to have our own kind of political structure, but rather say 'we have to take into account the existence of other bigger dogs in global political arena who might have some interest in us and work out some solution in concert with them.' Prachand, in the interview, has pointed out the military support our R[sic]NA got from US, UK, and India, among other countries.

It is no longer possible to isolate ourselves from rest of the world and workout our own solution. Don't worry about other, this is not even viable for ourselves. This is a networked world now and we have to find our place in this vast financial, economical, cultural, and political interconnection. No country is isolated anymore. What happens in one place has effect everywhere. Recent Danish cartoon about Prophet Mohammad is such an example. Some Danish newspaper published 'seemingly innocuous' cartoon of Prophet Mohammad, muslims all over the world came out on the street. This 'seemingly innocuous' cartoon was actually not so innocuous after all. Many people died.

I am glad such interconnection is acknowledged by party supremo of CPN(Maoist). That is the way to go.


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