Sunday, September 04, 2005

On Saturday, August 3, 2005, CPN-Maoists, again declared a ceasefie, this time unilaterally. They made the first move for peace. I think that was a very good sign. Looking back at their attitude toward the dialogue and ceasefire, we obviously have to be cautious. But caution and suspicion shouldn't take the front seat during this ride toward peace and democracy. We have to make ourselves clear about where we stand in the issues of monarchy, people, sovereignty, democracy, among other things. We also have to make ourselves, the citizen society, clear that no ambivalence in these matters will be allowed and tolerated. Not from the political parties, not from maoists, and obviously not from the palace. Time has come that we move with a goal, not making the issue of republic just a bargaining item, as Girija P Koirala suggested couple of weeks ago, because it is not just a bargaining point, but the main agenda. It is the future of Nepal and nobody can stop it now. But making all these things clear, we also have to move decisively, in whatever front possible, peaceful demonstrations that are going on right now around the country, raising awareness through writings and activism, and dialogue with people and parties, toward democratic republic.

Political parties are pillars of a good democratic society, but people are the foundation. Without a good foundation, the pillars are of no use. And there are a lot of things to be done before citizens become a good foundation, aware of the meaning of democracy. As has already been mentioned in various speeches and writings, democracy is not just right to do whatever one feels like doing. It is a rule of law, sovereignty of people, and active participation of the people. Delegation of all the sovereign power to the representatives doesnot end the role of citizen in a healthy democracy. Citizens always have to be active, provide checks to the representative if they go 'unruly', and constantly engage in dicussion about how to make democracy and society better. I like how the term 'participatory democracy' has been floating around the intellectual and political circle these days. Without engaging people in the practice of democracy, and without hearing and acting on the good things they have to say about it, democracy only helps to alienate the citizens. As it is happening here in US. We have to learn from the democracies around the world and make use of the best of both of the worlds. We have so many examples to learn from, we can be much better.

Let this moment of peace be a moment of everlasting peace we have been waiting for. Let this peace of a live peace, not a dead one. That is all I can wish for. That is all I can hope for.


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