Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hit the iron when it is hot. Well said Nabin in the previous post. If the moment passes and you don't hit it, later once it gets cold, you never know how hard it is going to get, and instead of one shot, how many shots you are going to have to deliver to bend it into the right shape. Time is ripe. People are ready. World community snowballing against the monarchy. So, I think we need to go for it. There is no more room for compromises ('melmilap') anymore, as Nabin pointed out.

Even when the old dogs speak against the republican agenda, they are not actually negating the existence of 'the new tricks', in Nabin's language. In actuality they are refusing to accept it as the possible solution out of the current crisis plaguing the country. Even then, is it really a new trick? Isn't the republican agenda actually had been here for centuries tried and found true?

I will mention it one more time that 'time makes more converts than reason.' That, even though Thomas Paine said in the circumstances leading to the full-fledged American revolution against the British colonialism, is still valid in our context. We just need to do our duty, and the detractors right now will later come to join us.


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