Monday, September 19, 2005

Deniability is an innate human quality. In the face of adversity, we like to deny rather than face the reality and take a corrective action.

With overwhelming historical evidence against them, the king and his coterie of supporters are denying the reality, denying that forces of overwhelming capacity are gathering against them, and by denying they are thinking somehow the reality will stop existing, and all the forces gathering against them will vanish. They are confused.

On the game of hide-n-seek, a sometimes when there is nowhere to hide child hides its own face with both the hands thinking that nobody then can see it. I used to do that, when I was a little kid. Here the king, by turning his head away from the reality toward his 'well-wishers', is thinking that the reality that is moving towards him to destroy his very existence doesnot exist and only reality that exists is that of palace, army, arms, and groveling bunch of unctuous, spine-less coteries of well-wishers. Or may be he is in a virtual world created by his so-called well-wishers and thinks that everything is running smoothly and those demonstrating, protesting, demanding freedom and democracy are just a bunch ("mutthi-bhar") of anti-national elements ("arastriya tatwa haru"). Or may be he is still thinking that he is "Vishnu's Avatar" and nobody can demand anything from the him. Nobody has the right to demand from him. Who are these people anyway?

Tulsi Giri, after proclaiming that monarchy and democracy cannot co-exist, now has said that current government 'is not obliged to follow the constitution' (Kantipur). I am very happy that he said that. Otherwise there was still some confusion among certain circle of people who were trying to legitimize the king's February 1st movement by saying that the king was acting from inside the consitution. This statement from Dr. (sic) Giri should remove any doubts now.


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